Selected Photographs and Commentary by Debra Jan Bibel

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These selected photographs are from various fellow members of the tour, particularly Marina and Carmen. High close-ups were taken by Marina.  If necessary to improve image quality, I edited them, occasionally cropping.

[Left to right] Mark Byers; Lara Ferguson; Marina Simes Corsini, Ilan Migdali. Mark and Lara are fellow travelers to Spain. Ilan provided my fix of chocolate, saving the day. Paulette Rochelle-Levy, already dancing. I think that smile continued through the entire trip.  Andrea Trautwein, another dancer and first on the floor.
Paula Dromi, in bliss of this experience. Sage Spatz. She has an eye for the atypical perspective. Douglas & Sandy Jardine. I had fine philosophical discussions with Douglas.
    Kathryn Rosenberg. We spent time together coming and going.


        Norberta Salazar, fun and cheer for everyone. Dori Miles. I appreciated her political gems of intellect
Shirley Zadaca, fellow traveler to Spain and pleasant companion.  Jeffrey Cooper. We two are photographic documentarians. With similar cameras, too. Norberta Salzar & Jeffrey Cooper
Sandry Jardine, Janice Parakilas, Paula Dromi, Margo Jim, Barbara Spiller Dalia Ron, fellow traveler to Spain. And need I say the boss's mother?       Margo Jim. I regret that we hardly interacted.
Roy Baker, Marina Corsini, Janice Parakilas    Malcolm Lansky  & Sandra McMahon Carmen, Cloe, and Lara Ferguson. Fun folk.
A pensive Chloe Ferguson. We were fortunately to have a young person with us and be able to witness her joys of new experiences and travel adventures. She is a language sponge, too.
     Paula Rubenstein &  Cherise Gordon. Cherise always had a twinkle in her eye. Dennis Boardman

  William and Barbara Spiller & Sharon Gordon-Barber

Nona Hungate & Jan Briski. Is it me, or does Jan and Barbara look similar? Other than style of attire, I look for the different eyebrows.
Pasha Dennis B. & mysterious Andrea.
   Navani & Norberta: Las Latinas Therese Lynch Linda & Dennis Wilkins
Barbara and William Spiller  Edith Wander    Janice Briski, Sandra and Douglas Jardine

 Marilyn Grissom  Sage Spatz & Malcolm Lansky. Photo is indicative of personas. Judith Riven
The Tour Staff
A. Sevket Selçuk, Marina Simes Corsini, Sermin Selçuk Marina became the Spirit of the Tour. Sevket quietly (certainly in Turkish) covered logistics and ensured connections. Joshkun Tamer. Organizer and Director. Our Bus Driver, Unsung Hero
The Musicians

Jaime Papish. Being a drummer, he goes with the flow. Norik Manoukian. His serious dudek hymns contrasted with Selim Sesler's wild clarinet dance. Maya Haddi. Her exciting voice has deep roots.
Yuval Ron. A musical ambassador of spiritual freedom. David Martinelli. Percussion is serious business. Virginie Alumyan. Helped turn disappointment into pleasure  at Hidden Place.

Note: Ensemble photos do not have enlargements on this page. Nearly all are taken from earlier locations.


  Sukhawat Ali Khan. His soaring Qawwali vocals continue to the stars. Aziz (left) with Sharif Baba of the Rifa'i Order.  I bow before this Dervish and his profound power of concentration.

Finally, I now include a photograph of myself. I usually wear glasses.


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Appendix: Food